>I hear, I see, I feel Meme

>I’ve been tagged by my lovely friend over at Very Bored in Catalunya in a meme that was created by Me plus 3 and Mr C. So here goes!

I hear……

Boyzone & Westlife singing “No matter what” on the tribute to Stephen Gately on ITV.
The bloody kids upstairs (not mine, my neighbours) doing their best thundering herd of elephants impression accross my ceiling at gone 9pm!

I see…….

My untidy computer desk, begging to be tidied up
My book shelf heaving with books I’ve read and loved
My crazy cat sprawling herself accross my desk

I feel……

Like throwing my computer at a wall as it keeps crashing
Like I don’t want to go to work in the morning and the weekend has gone far too fast
Like I wish that things could be easier and I could be in Spain with my partner instead of stuck in England just wishing the next few months away

I smell……

Warm almond cake cooling in my kitchen – yum!

I tag:

Young & Younger
The Diary of a Frugal Family
Single Motherhood Challenges
Crystal Jigsaw
My baby adventure

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